Artwork for Los Angeles rock-heads Bullets and Octane. These dudes were one of my favourite band growing up, and it’s fucking insane to see my artwork across them. If ya haven’t heard of them, go check out this new album Riot Riot Rock N Roll.

Album cover for RIOT RIOT ROCK N ROLL. Click to listen.

Album cover for RIOT RIOT ROCK N ROLL. Click to listen.

Sketch process, from rough as fuck to finished work.

Sketch process, from rough as fuck to finished work.

Colour variations before settling on the mostly green-flames version. At the time of drawing it, I think I liked the blue and red one the best. It had a kind of “shit the police are coming” vibe to it. But in hindsight, the green and grey one stands…

Colour variations before settling on the mostly green-flames version.
At the time of drawing it, I think I liked the blue and red one the best. It had a kind of “shit the police are coming” vibe to it. But in hindsight, the green and grey one stands out more in the playlists.