FUCK YOU - White Frisbee

FUCK YOU - White Frisbee


Here it is, the FUCK YOU psychedelic white frisbee. Because here in Australia summer is on it’s way and I just got a puppy and this just seemed like the right thing to do.

Just imagine yourself at the beach, and you spin this sucker over to a group of pals. They catch it perfectly (or not perfectly, it doesn’t matter) and look down to read it. Surprised? Shocked? Offended? All of the above! They fall back laughing because you are now the official coolest dude in the world. But the fun isn’t limited to the beach, you could throw it in the park, throw it off a bridge, you could even throw it in the bin … either way it’s thirty bucks that I’ll be spending on beer this summer.

It’s about 27cm across and a “standard 175 grams”. I’d describe the quality as “whooaa that’s actually a really nice frizzbee duude!”. Your friends may even agree. I’d be surprised if they didn’t, after all they’re gonna start respecting you a whooooole lot more from now on.

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